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 amet, contetuer adipiscing eacus. nean it mauris. llus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi and options

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contetuer adipiscing eacus. nean it mauris. llus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi and options

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contetuer adipiscing eacus. nean it mauris. llus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi and options



Welcome to Warriors of Honor and Justice , WhJ

Thuesday the 8th of december:  Hello all ! Long time since we wrote anything on this page but we do most of the typing in the game =) gonna se if we can make some new pages here and it would be great if someone have time to help out.

 Friday the 1th of december: Well finally december and only 23 days to christmas. I hope all have ordered the Burning Crusade so that we all can play together in january. Well it depends on the weather, If it snow and cold we can play, but if its warm and sunny i gues it will be barbique in the garden. This weekend I hope that you all sign up for the coming instances that we have been talking about during the week.

Saturday the 21 of october: We did our first guildrun in UBRS. The team did really great. Drakki dropped Wildheart skirt.Unfortunately we didnt have any druid with us. We took some picture and you can se them by clicking the link. pictures

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Soon we gonna start with Karazhan. The guild is growing every day now.

If you wanna join the guild send a email in the game to Aramiz or wolfwhj

